XXV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"

July 01-05, 2019, Novosibirsk

Author's Index

Author: Энгель М.В. (index)

List of reports:

  1. Zimovaya A.V., Tarasenkov M.V., Belov V.V., Engel M.V.
    Aprobation of the algorithm for atmospheric correction of satellite images of the Earth taking into account radiation polarization on examples of MODIS images
  2. Tarasenkov M.V., Belov V.V., Engel M.V., Gridnev Yu. V., Zimovaya A.V.
    Reconstruction of the reflection coefficient of the Earth surface from the data of Resurs-P and Meteor-M RSE instruments
  3. Engel M., , , ,
    Software and information support of thematic data processing of Russian satellite sensors  
